In Between the waves

Oct 02, 2006 20:36

Jess Margera stared at the woman in boredom but kept quite as she explained why exactly his younger brother would need to be enrolled in some sort of schooling program soon.

“Jess, I’m only saying this, unless you want the courts to deem you unfit to take care of Brandon.” She said calmly glancing over to the little boy who was currently engaged in playing with a stuffed dog and two dump trucks.

Jess nodded. “I know that,” He said. “But I don’t see why I can’t have him home schooled. He’s so small and he was always getting sick before Mom and Dad Left.”

She blinked. “Jess you do know your parents passed away right?” She asked.

“Yes, I do but he dosn’t understand that.” He said soothingly. “He still thinks there going to come home.” He said.

She blinked. “Jesse you need to explain to him what happened.”

“Oh, yeah I can so see myself sitting my five year old brother down and going, Hey Bammie guess what Dad was a drunk and abused us, and then dragged mom out in the middle of the night and drove them off a cliff?” He paused eyeing her. “Is that what I’m supposed to do?”

She sighed. “No, Jess but you can tell them there dead.”

“JESSIE!” Bam suddenly cried climbing to his feet and running over.

Jess jumped turning and looking at him. “What is it buddy?” He asked gently.

He held out the floppy dog and sniffed. “Muffin hurt his foot,” He said softly. “The truck ran him over.”

“Oh no,” Jess said. “Let me see, I’ll fix it.” He said holding his hand out for the dog.

Bam blinked biting his lip. “Your not gonna send him to heaven are you?” He asked nervously.

Jess shook his head ignoring the scrutiny of the woman’s eyes as he spoke to his brother. “No I won’t he’s only got a hurt foot.” He said gently.

“Promise?” He asked softly biting his lip still.

“Yep, swear to god.” He said gently.

“Okay,” He said softly slowly handing over the stuffed dog.

Jess smiled and looked the dog over. “Hello, muffin.” He said. “I’m going to fix your foot okay, so no crying buddy everything will be okay.” He said softly.

Bam watched him wide eyed chewing on his lip as Jess slowly worked on the stuffed dogs foot then smiled and kissed it gently. “See all better, it was just a bruise Bammie.” He said reaching out a tousling the curls.

Bam smiled and nodded and took Muffin back and went back to his trucks playing happily. Jess looked back up and eyed the woman. “So, should I tell him now that our father killed our mother and himself because he couldn’t deal or what?” He asked icily.

“Thats not what I wanted you to do Jesse,” She said gently.

“Then what?” He asked crossing his arms.

She sighed and looked over at Bam again. “He needs to be in school by the end of the week Jess or I will be forced to remove him from your care.” She said calmly.

Jess glared at her. “Fuck fine.” He snapped standing up. “Come on Bammie, time to go.”

“We get ice cream now?” He asked looking hopeful.

Jess felt his anger wash away in a heartbeat as he looked into the hopeful blue eyes that gazed up at him adoringly he smiled and nodded. “Yeah, will get ice cream.” He said petting his brother’s hair as they left the office.

“Did that lady make you Sad Jessie?” He asked softly.

“Just a little bit Bammie,” He said picking up Bam. “It’ll be okay though don’t worry.” He said.

Bam smiled and took his brother’s hand as they walked across the parking lot.
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