I hope everyone rang in the new year happily & safely! Since I left work yesterday (at about Noon, yay for a half day!) I've been doing one of my New Years' rituals, but didn't realize it until I took a good look at my To Do list for the long weekend. It bodes well for 2011 that I did this without even thinking about it -- I didn't do it last year & 2010 was a pretty fucktastick year overall.
The ritual isn't unique, I'm sure I stole it from somewhere years ago & forgot the source. The gist is to surround myself with the concepts I want to carry through the year: abundance, peace, creativity, the leisurely completion of constructive activities, not overspending (no online shopping today whatsoever!).
So, yesterday I shopped for creative stuff (at JoAnn's), called
nonniemous to have coffee (being social), watched True Grit at her suggestion (spontaneity, damned good stories/movies/performances), drove the speed limit (careful; sane? :)).
I didn't go to sleep until well after 3 a.m. (return to my true night owl self), watching more movies & surfing for pretty pix & good news. This morning I stayed in bed until almost one in the afternoon (although I did get up to feed Kitty at the usual time, at her insistence) -- I ate pizza and frosted sugar cookies & drank lots of Diet Mt.Dew, and watched some funny & some dramatic videos (& some with actors with Scottish accents *g*). After I got up I alternated between listening to great music and cleaning my apartment, both of which are still works in progress. I'll take down my Christmas tree tomorrow or Monday, because I don't want to make today any less bright & shiny. I'm putting things together for a Goodwill run on Monday.
While working on a scene in The Book With No Name (which, BTW, I did "complete" for NaNo because I'm still not finished transcribing everything I wrote in Nov & am well over 50K words :)) I wanted to know what song my character would play if he wanted to cheer himself up so I searched YouTube for piano instrumentals & eventually found Yiruma. This guy is amazing. I found him because one of his songs, River Flows in You, was covered for the Twilight movies as Bella's Lullaby. All the kiddies on the net were talking about it so I went right to the original and OMG it's a beautiful song. I'm working my way through his playlist, but here's the song that hooked me. I hope you guys love it too.
Click to view
I'm planning to do more writing, maybe make some jewelry, and cook something at least vaguely healthy before 1/Jan is over, but in the spirit of the ritual I think I have to spend a little of the rest of the day with the computer off. Maybe a very little, I'll see how it goes. :)
Hope we all have long lists of The Wonderful Things That Happened in 2011 a year from now. *waves*
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