Reading Challenge 2012: The Wind Through The Keyhole, S. King

Jul 12, 2012 10:00

It was a little strange reading a book without "YA" on the spine, but I had to laugh when I realized it very well could've been classified that way.  Aside from the outermost framing story, all of the important characters are kids or young adults & there's very little content that would give a publisher pause . . . except for the author's name, I suppose.

In anyone else's hands, the fact that this novel has a framing story inside of a framing story would've put me off.  Maybe not enough to pass on it entirely, but enough to keep track of pages (questionable books get 50 pages at most, after that I'm allowed to move on to something else if I like).  In Uncle Stevie's hands, it worked so well I wish he'd do it again.  But, maybe that's because I'm already jonesin' for more from Roland's ka-tet.  This is supposed to be a standalone, but I doubt readers unfamiliar with King's Gunslinger series would enjoy it as much.  It would probably read like one of his movies where you wonder what you're missing because some things don't make sense.  Or maybe that's just me.  :)

Rec?  Yes, especially to Gunslinger fans and people who like fairy tales (as in, the stories we all grew up on).

In other news, I don't like it when it gets over 85.  It really cramps my style, especially since Kiddo & I now live on the fourth floor.  It gets hot up here!  So I've been getting up even earlier than I did when I had a day job, going for long walks & trying to get as many things done as possible before midday when it really starts cooking.

This week I started volunteering in the Willamette Writers office again; a regular weekday + the better part of the week leading up to this year's conference.  I'm really looking forward to the Con - I hope it's the kick in the butt I've been needing to finish something.  I reallyreally want to finish something.  Anything.  Write, re-write, edit - to a point of calling it done.  That'll make me veryvery happy.

And that, I believe, is Thursday.

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books, stories, challenge: reading2012

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