So a few years ago, after I read Tithe, I made a notation in my master TBR list to read all of Holly Black's books. I haven't yet, but I did pick up White Cat when it came out in TPB & fell in love with the curseworkers world & Cassel Sharpe. If I wasn't about to move, I'd probably buy Black Heart just to read it again a couple of times & unpack it. Maybe I'll do it later, because this book is definitely worth a re-read. I think it's the strongest book in the trilogy, but maybe I only feel that way since I know the MC & his friends pretty well already.
I won't say much about the story, because there's so much going on I'd be afraid of accidental spoilers. Books like this aren't meant to be spoiled, and especially not by me.
It's funny, I've been spending a lot of time writing lately (yay!) but my reading has pretty much all been influenced by Ms. Black. I'm still working my way through the Bordertown anthology she edited (although I did skip forward to read her story), & have dug around to find some of the originals (gotta find 'em all!). Love her style & she'll definitely stay on my "read everything" page of the master list.
Rec? Yesyesyes! But only after reading the first two. :)
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