Only three months left until WriterconUK 2016, at the
Ramada Hotel, Coventry on 16-18 September.
It may seem like ages away, but I'm sure it'll soon be upon us. At the moment, we have 13 people signed up:
kazzy_ceebogwitchhesadevilgillohilsninglorethtxorakeriakhab318princessbrutti_ma_buonispikereaderhobbituktlantililachigh We need at least 6 more before the event's viable, so if you're planning to come, please do let us know by signing up
here. Just fill in the form! We don't need your membership payment until nearer the time, but it would really help the committee sleep at night to know you're coming.
We're still looking for two or three more volunteers to give a talk, or lead a discussion, or lead a workshop about anything fandom related. If you'd like to volunteer, sign up at
tlanti's post
here. (If you'd like to volunteer but can't think of an idea, or if you can think of an idea but would rather not volunteer, comment on the same
post, and we'll do some match making).
And if you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas, just comment on this post.