A month or so ago, I posted a 'story so far' round-up, with links to various relevant posts, and... Either LJ's eaten it, or I've fallen into a parallel universe where I never did it, or I've just gone plain mad.
Anyway, here's a round-up and reminder!
We have 12 people signed up for the 2016 meeting (at the
Ramada Hotel, Coventry on 16-18 September), but we need some more! You can sign up now and pay nearer the time, if you prefer. It would be great to know that we've reached a viable number :-)
The sign-up post is
Don't forget
hesadevil's art challenge: a '10 Years of Fandom' banner! The winning banner will feature on the Writercon UK website (and runners up will be displayed at the meeting). The deadline is 31 May.
Further information is
The highlight of the event is always the cocktails the full day of talks and workshops led by fellow members, covering all aspects of fandom.
tlanti has three volunteers so far, but she's looking for more, especially someone who'd like to lead a crafting workshop*.
*I have various bits and bobs I can donate, materials-wise.
tlanti's sign-up post is
And if you have further any ideas for challenges or activities, just comment on this post.