So I realize people are still thinking about *this* WriterCon . . .

Aug 07, 2009 19:42

. . . but tonight antennapedia and I were talking as we filled out our surveys, and we ended up brainstorming possible workshop/panel/roundtable ideas for next WriterCon! Since we're all fresh off this last one and still buzzing about it, I thought it might not be too early to see what everyone else was thinking. The survey does this as well, but of course we ( Read more... )

programming, brainstorming, 2009

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prncssflutterby August 8 2009, 23:18:11 UTC
Those all sound like great ideas.

I know what I would found helpful when I went in '06... Maybe some kind of newbie!writer thing. How to find resources and betas. Places to post different things online. Things like that. I'm still in need of something that tells me all those grammer things I can never remember that you're taught in grade school...

I also really liked the ones in '06 that we wrote a drabble or short bit form like the Drabblemania or the Ensemble one. That was more helpful I thought than bring work in arleady. But then maybe that's because at the time all I really had was drabbles.....

I just hope I get to go next time.


sahiya August 8 2009, 23:43:34 UTC
Oh yes, that would be a great thing to have. I also really like the idea of interactive writing sessions. I think a pr0n one would be hilarious. We could hook someone's laptop up to an overhead and take dictation or something.


prncssflutterby August 8 2009, 23:49:50 UTC
A prOn one would be cool too but I have issues writing things like that myself. I sounds awesome in my head and so I write it down the it looks stupid. Course there's also my insecurities with writing stuff like that.

We could hook someone's laptop up to an overhead and take dictation or something. That could potentially end up really really funny.


(The comment has been removed)

prncssflutterby August 9 2009, 02:57:08 UTC
Yes it could!


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