Dec 04, 2008 09:03
I'm presently spluttering with a cough, so I thought I'd get round to doing a LJ entry.
I've now done annotations for the 4 chapters of the commentary I'm editing, so I can carry on working on my main supervisor's comments and constructing the introduction. That is, most of the routine not very academic work of the edition (copying margin notes into the text etc) is over.
I haven't been doing my usual conservation etc lately since I fell in Buccleuch Place and broke a finger. It's now no longer strapped to the finger next to it, and is now not often painful. I have done a few other activities - shopping at Ocean Terminal for trousers and watching a few films (most recently Changeling, which makes a dramatic impact).
I plan to stay in Edinburgh over Christmas, to try to get towards the end of the thesis - will anyone else be here?