
Dec 12, 2005 03:19

Hello. I did Prose Prompt #29. It's late, I know (sorry), but I did time myself, and it took about an hour. Just to clarify, I'm not trying to be all sexist. This was meant to show how much teen angst a girl could feel within like 3 minutes. I wasn't really sure how to go about making it clear that her thoughts were thoughts. Was using quotation marks the right thing to do in this case? What else could I have done? Feedback please! Oh yeah, I couldn't think of a better word to use than "flashed" in my opening sentence. Any ideas?

Title: Maybe

Sitting on her bedroom floor, in front of her television set (that she'd blown her entire allowance on last year), Veronica heard that familiar 'Sex and The City' music play as the end credits flashed. Carrie Bradshaw had just finished her conclusive little end-of-the-show speech. She was reflecting on how Aiden, her boyfriend, moved out their apartment simply because she wouldn't marry him ASAP. "Ugh, so typical," thought Veronica, shaking her head in disgust. "Guys just always have to get their way, don't they? There's no compromising with them. It's gotta be their way or the high way. Who do they think they are? Limp Bizkit or something? Lame. Okay, stop it!" She yelled at herself, shrugging everything off and turned her focus back to the TV screen. She watched about thirty seconds of a Toys 'R Us commercial before returning her internal rant.

"But seriously, when you really think about it, all guys are basically the same (with varying penis sizes, of course). They're all out to make good girls feel like shit. Like Danny for instance! I wouldn't let him "slam" me, so he hada go around verbally slamming me! What is with high school guys demanding sex? If a girl doesn't wanna give it up just because of a few nice e-mails and cheesy compliments, she's a bitch, rumored to be a mega-prude by first period, Monday morning. It's all about giving them what they want, and none of 'em wanna "settle for a pg-13 relationship." Are real men like this? God, I hope not... But then again, Jessy's always complaining about how immature her boyfriend is, even though he's almost a college graduate. Maybe they ARE all the same, with one focus, one mind set, "me, it's all about me, me, me."

She contemplated changing the channel. "Who cares what's on next? It's probably just another unfunny sitcom based on hot people turning real-life problems... into jokes. I love how they're never affected by rotten relationships for more then five minutes at a time because they've just got the bestest friends in the whole friggin' world. How nice for them! You're so bitter, Veronica." She started biting her nails, which she always did when made herself angry. "It's pretty sad. Shut up, bitch, I'm seriously hurting here. Great, now you've reduced to fighting with yourself." She rolled her eyes, chowing down more intensely. "It's better than fighting with Danny, isn't it? Ugh, what a turd he is! Tellin' me I'm stupid 'cause I watch too much TV. Don't forget how he also said I'm too fat, too ugly, and way too freaky. Maybe I should pull a Bridget Jones right about now, resolving to change everything about myself to suit the needs... no, the desires of men. Who cares if it's not New Years? Gah, what does he know anyway, though? Maybe Jessy's right... maybe he is a jerk (well, that part she's definitely dead on about), just playing off my insecurities, tryin' to get me to feel all inferior because our "relationship" didn't go the way he planned. Or maybe he's just got the balls to tell me off straight to my face. Yay brutal honesty? I don't know. I hate not knowing. Girls suck 'cause guys want them to. Why do guys suck?" She spit a detached nail across the room. "I hate relationships," she practically said aloud. Just then, her pants vibrated. She whipped her cellphone out of her pocket and flipped it open. She appeared to have "one new text message."

"Huh, interesting." She read it over and over again. "Crazy how one minute I could be totally sad over some guy, and then another one'll leave me a text message and make the whole world okay again with a single word: "hello.""

"I'll be there for yoooou..." Veronica's TV sang to her. She liked the 'Friends' theme song, she couldn't resist singing along. She smiled, anticipating the beginning of the show.


Is this better...?

Maybe the title should be 'Maybe'? I'm not sure. Thoughts are italicized.

Sitting on her bedroom floor, in front of her television set (that she'd blown her entire allowance on last year), Veronica heard that familiar 'Sex and The City' music play as the end credits flashed. Carrie Bradshaw had just finished her conclusive little end-of-the-show speech. She was reflecting on how Aiden, her boyfriend, moved out their apartment simply because she wouldn't marry him ASAP. Ugh, so typical, thought Veronica, shaking her head in disgust. Guys just always have to get their way, don't they? There's no compromising with them. It's gotta be their way or the high way. Who do they think they are? Limp Bizkit or something? Lame. Okay, stop it! She yelled at herself, shrugging everything off and turned her focus back to the TV screen. She watched about thirty seconds of a Toys 'R Us commercial before returning her internal rant.

But seriously, when you really think about it, all guys are basically the same (with varying penis sizes, of course). They're all out to make good girls feel like shit. Like Danny for instance! I wouldn't let him "slam" me, so he hada go around verbally slamming me! What is with high school guys demanding sex? If a girl doesn't wanna give it up just because of a few nice e-mails and cheesy compliments, she's a bitch, rumored to be a mega-prude by first period, Monday morning. It's all about giving them what they want, and none of 'em wanna "settle for a pg-13 relationship." Are real men like this? God, I hope not... But then again, Jessy's always complaining about how immature her boyfriend is, even though he's almost a college graduate. Maybe they ARE all the same, with one focus, one mind set: me, it's all about me, me, me.

She contemplated changing the channel. Who cares what's on next? It's probably just another unfunny sitcom based on hot people turning real-life problems... into jokes. I love how they're never affected by rotten relationships for more then five minutes at a time because they've just got the bestest friends in the whole friggin' world. How nice for them! You're so bitter, Veronica. She started biting her nails, which she always did when made herself angry. It's pretty sad. Shut up, bitch, I'm seriously hurting here. Great, now you've reduced to fighting with yourself. She rolled her eyes, biting down intensely. It's better than fighting with Danny, isn't it? Ugh, what a turd he is! Tellin' me I'm stupid 'cause I watch too much TV. Don't forget how he also said I'm too fat, too ugly, and way too freaky. Maybe I should pull a Bridget Jones right about now, resolving to change everything about myself to suit the needs... no, the desires of men. Who cares if it's not New Years? Gah, what does he know anyway, though? Maybe Jessy's right... maybe he is a jerk (well, that part she's definitely dead on about), just playing off my insecurities, tryin' to get me to feel all inferior because our "relationship" didn't go the way he planned. Or maybe he's just got the balls to tell me off straight to my face. Yay brutal honesty? I don't know. I hate not knowing. Girls suck 'cause guys want them to. Why do guys suck? She spit a detached nail across the room. "I hate relationships," she practically said aloud. Just then, something in her pants vibrated. She whipped her cellphone out of her pocket and flipped it open. She appeared to have "one new text message."

Huh. Interesting. She read it over and over again. Crazy how one minute I could be totally sad over some guy, and then another one'll leave me a text message and make the whole world okay again with a single word: "hello."

"I'll be there for yoooou..." Veronica's TV sang to her. She liked the 'Friends' theme song, she couldn't resist singing along. She smiled, anticipating the beginning of the show.

type: prose, user: daisy_adair, type: prompt response

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