PAYING MARKET, New Issue, and a Contest!

Jan 01, 2009 11:52

Paying Market
Crossed Genres, the magazine of Science Fiction & Fantasy with a twist, is now a paying market! Please see the submissions page for details! Now accepting submissions for Issue 4. The theme: CRIME.

Issue Two
Issue Two of Crossed Genres has been released on the website!

There's an interview with Phil & Kaja Foglio, the minds behind the brilliant Girl Genius (amongst other things). Phil might be best known for doing the art for the illustrated version of Robert Asprin's Myth Adventures.

There's also 4 DYSTOPIAN stories, "Common Misconceptions About Copywriters/Copy Editors", and some gorgeous art! The magazine is FREE! Please take a look!

The "Write What You Know" Contest
Crossed Genres challenges you to write an article of knowledge. Share with us the subject that you know most intimately and meticulously - the subject could be literally anything! Present your knowledge in a way that a reader could use it to portray the subject accurately in a tale. Who knows? Maybe your article will inspire someone to write a brilliant story!

The best three articles will be selected and published (one at a time) in the next three issues of Crossed Genres (Issues 4, 5 & 6, March, April & May 2009)! For more info, please see the contest page.
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