Friday Prose Prompt: To make a long story short (too late!)

May 25, 2007 09:34

(Idea shamelessly stole from mm511 and cdpeck)

Today’s FPP is all about summaries and hooks. It's all well and good to write the next great [insert country of choice here] novel, but you're going to have to sell it. And to do that, you're going to have to summarize it and 'hook' an editor. Easier said than done!

You assignment this week, should you chose to accept it (please please please!) is to write a really bad summary/hook for a story. It probably helps if it's a really bad story idea to start out with... If you need some inspiration, you might look here, here, or here,

I could say that knowing the wrong way of doing it will teach you how to avoid it in the future, but in all honesty I just want the chuckles.

Get crackin'! You have one hour to write a truly groan-worthy summary.

feature: friday prose prompt

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