Don't hate me because I'm prolific.

May 02, 2007 03:56

So, I've spent the last few days writing a story about vampires. They're not your usual vampire -- they don't like to kill and they can't turn just any ol' person into a vampire like them. I just finished the story, and I am pretty sure it's in need of dire revision, mostly because the vampire modus operandi changed slightly as I wrote, but I am asking now for a few generous, kind souls to give it a once-over before I do the first revision. I am mostly concerned with: a) how clearly/confusingly the vampire mythology, history, terminology, etc comes across and b) what can be cut without hurting the story. And perhaps a little of c) how (well-/badly) developed are the characters.

Like everything I do, the story is long: a tad over fourteen thousand words, which equates to about forty-nine double-spaced, 12-pt Times New Roman pages in Word. It's a comedy, I suppose, although there's a bit of drama -- it's light drama, though, I promise. There's a bunch of sexual innuendo, though no actual sex. There's also some French, but you should be able to understand it, even if you don't speak a lick of français. (Although, if you speak fluent French that's even better, because I'm not entirely sure that my French guy says things the way a *real* French guy would say them.)

If you'd like to read the story, I'll send it to you as a Word attachment, because posting it to LJ will be a giant pain in my neck. (Get it? Vampire story? Pain in my neck? Ba dum ching!)

The only thing I ask is this: if you read it, that you send me some sort of feedback. I did this with the last short story I wrote -- Disdaining Men and Oxygen -- and I sent the document to about twenty-five people and got barely ten responses. I understand that shit happens, that things come up and we can't do anything about it, but I doubt shit happened to fifteen people at the same time.

Anyway, that's all. The story is tentatively titled To Bite or Not to Bite, but I like to name my things from lines of poetry. Until I find a good one, though... this is what you've got. (I am open to suggestions.)

user: mm511, type: question

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