A Long Forgotten Kiss 18/?

Apr 11, 2006 07:35

I've given up on setting dates for new updates for this. However, the end is getting close, I will probably wrap things up within 2 or 3 more chapters after this.

Title: A Long Forgotten Kiss
Author: akinaj
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Rating: 18+ eventually, this chapter 12+ (to be safe, probably only 6+)

Category: ( Read more... )

fic: spike/xander: alfk

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taruma16 April 11 2006, 11:48:34 UTC
*squee and bounce*
You're back with it!!! *twirls you around*
I so missed this fic!
Lovely chapter!!!
Hopefully, you won't let us wait that long anymore.


writan_bur April 11 2006, 12:47:40 UTC
*giggles* Yes, I'm back working on it...

Sadly, I fear a long wait is in store once again. I'm still struggling getting it all in order in my mind, and then putting it inot words...

but I'm glad you're still reading, gives me a reason to keep working on it!


taruma16 April 11 2006, 15:04:24 UTC
Well, as long as you don't abandon it!


writan_bur April 11 2006, 15:07:45 UTC
Don't worry, no plans of abandonment exist, I'm resolved to finish it, just the exact date of that is still unknown...


aeb April 11 2006, 18:43:15 UTC
If she waits too long, we can always gently remind her about it. Just so long as we don't make too big pests of ourselves.... {GRIN, chuckle, wink}

Anne Elizabeth Baldwin


taruma16 April 11 2006, 18:54:11 UTC
Lovely idea! A gentle hint now and then would be really good!


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