A Long Forgotten Kiss 18/?

Apr 11, 2006 07:35

I've given up on setting dates for new updates for this. However, the end is getting close, I will probably wrap things up within 2 or 3 more chapters after this.

Title: A Long Forgotten Kiss
Author: akinaj
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Rating: 18+ eventually, this chapter 12+ (to be safe, probably only 6+)

Category: Future fic, angst, h/c, established relationship, first time, romance
Summary: After 50 years, Spike returns to Sunnydale and finds Xander in his parents' house
Spoilers: Future fic, set after an alternate S7
Warning: character deaths mentioned, but not the boys (this is set more than 50 years in the future, so it's kinda hard to avoid)

Feedback: Makes me write more and faster!
Concrit: by email, please
Feedback address: writan_bur @ livejournal.com

Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.

Author's Note: This started as a ficlet written for kyrieane's Five Senses Challenge. After I wrote it, there were more questions open than answered, so I set out to discover what happened.

Huge big thank you to aeb, for an awesome beta-job, helping me to sort out a number of niggles in this part especially. All remaining mistakes and confusions are purely my fault!

Previous parts here.

After more than 50 years, Spike has followed a hint that leads him to Xander's parents' house in sunnydale, where he finds his lover and bond-mate in a dishevelled but unharmed and unchanged state. The house is slowly being reconquered by nature, but there is no decay, only destruction by animals and natural forces.
Xander barely recognises Spike and seems to have lost coherent thought and the ability of speech, but manages to remember Spike's name somehow.
Scared and unsure what to do, Spike calls up Dawn and Willow, now co-heading the Watchers' Council, and they arrive and investigate the house, casting a spell to detect magic. They brought an important object along, and while they prepare for the spell, Spike tells Xander the story of their love and how they bonded in a ritual attended by all their friends.
After the spell has been cast, Dawn and Willow investigate the house again, and make a few interesting discoveries.

They fell silent, remembering Tara, thinking of what had happened to all of them over the years, the people they had lost.

That was how Dawn found them when she returned to the kitchen.

"Well, you are me some old broodypants!" she exclaimed. "Come outside with me for a moment, I think I have found something!"

Spike and Willow followed Dawn out into the hallway. They had almost reached the door when Spike heard an odd scraping noise from the living room.

Forgetting everything, Spike darted back, coming to a dead halt in the doorway.

In the nest, Xander was rocking, humming tunelessly under his breath, the blankets of the nest shuffling on the floor with his movements.


Spike's curse stopped the women at the door, and they turned back with shock-pale faces.

"Can anyone explain to me why he backlapsed again? Cause if you can, I'd sure have appreciated a warning." A low growl underlined his threat.

Willow just stared at him wide-eyed. It was Dawn who finally urged him to take care of Xander. "I have no bloody idea, but I know he needs you. Go; be with him. We will make sure this is the last time it happens, if the Gods will."

"Dawn's right," Willow chimed in weakly, "I'm sure we can figure this out. After all, there must be some kind of clue, right?"

"Yup," Dawn assured her, pushing her out of the door finally to investigate.

Still fuming quietly, Spike entered the living room.

*** *** *** *** ***

Willow followed quietly in Dawn's shadow, worried about her friend inside. Only when a warm hand sneaked into hers, pulling her along to the south side of the house did she look up. Dawn smiled at her, a look of excitement on her face that sparked hope in Willow's heart.

"Come on, honey, I think I may have found the reason behind Xander's relapses."

*** *** *** *** ***

In the living room, Spike carefully approached the nest where Xander was still rocking and humming pitifully. His arms were wrapped around the bundle of leather that was Spike's duster, and his face was buried deep in its pliant folds.

Hesitantly, Spike stepped closer, half-wary of a possibly violent reaction, half-afraid he'd get no reaction at all.

Xander didn't stop humming until Spike's feet nearly touched the nest. At the slight disturbance however, he looked up, eyes so much like those of a kicked puppy that Spike felt like kicking his own arse.

When those deep brown eyes lit up in recognition, Spike vowed silently to do whatever he could to keep that happiness on his lover's face, even if it meant not moving from his side for the next century or two.

He knelt so he was level with Xander, and carefully extended a hand. There was a moment where Xander just looked confused, but then he carefully reached out with his own hand, until they touched, fingertip to fingertip.

Spike released unneeded breath he hadn't been aware of holding in.

Slowly, making sure to avoid any hasty motions, he slid into the nest next to Xander, rearranging them in the process until they were comfortably curled around each other, the duster once more spread out on top of them, protection from the outside world.

*** *** *** *** ***

Willow wasn't sure what to make of the now familiar little symbol engraved into the southern window frame.

"I don't get it, Dawn, what's so special about the symbols on this window? They look exactly like the others!"

But Dawn just smiled. "Look again, Willow. Don't they seem less… pronounced?"

Stretching out a hand, Willow gently traced the runic sign with a finger. "I'm… not sure. Do you have a gauge or something in the van? We don't want to get our hopes up too early…"

Dawn just grinned and produced the requested instrument. "Check for yourself. I'm sure it will say the same as your fingers. Actually, take the depth of it, I'll write it down, then we can check and note down the others all around the house as well." She produced a notepad, and proceeded to take down the measurements Willow read out.

*** *** *** *** ***

Continued here.

fic: spike/xander: alfk

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