The American agriculturalist George Washington Carver found ways to use sweet potatoes to make instant coffee, tapioca pudding, and three recipes for after dinner mints. He is also known for discovering 300 uses for the peanut, including paper, ink, soap, dyes, laxative, axle grease, explosives, five punch recipes, and the humble salted peanut, and was the first person aside from the Incas to invent peanut butter (Kellogg patented it a few years later).
Here is his recipe for "mock chicken", made from peanuts and sweet potato: Blanch and grind a sufficient number of peanuts until they are quite oily; stir in one well-beaten egg; if too thin, thicken with rolled bread crumbs or cracker dust; stir in a little salt. Boil some sweet potatoes until done; peel and cut in thin slices; spread generously with the peanut mixture; dip in white of egg; fry to a chicken brown; serve hot.
Peanut coffee: 1/2 cup peanuts, 1/2 cup wheat or rye, 1/2 cup cow peas. Roast all to a rich coffee brown; grind and make as for postum [instant coffee substitute]. To those who like a cereal coffee, this will be quite acceptable, even delicious. To more or less habitual coffee drinkers, one-third or one-half real coffee will make the above recipe more acceptable.
Sadly he never found a way to stop peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. And he's also responsible for Jimmy Carter.
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UNRELATED FACT: "Dr Luis von Ahn of Carnegie Mellon University estimated that in 2003, nine billion human hours were spent playing computer solitaire. To put this in context, the construction of the Panama Canal took 20 million human-hours." (
Scary BBC article.)
I'm told that Dave Eggars is a famous writer and editor. Does that mean that
this is not total rubbish:Now it is 2006, and much has changed, though more has not changed. That is, more things have remained the same than have changed. Or maybe it's 50:50, in terms of the relationship between the changed and the unchanged.
Seriously, he got paid for that? Not by the word, I hope. (Although
this may be even stupider.)