[Scene] A Morning Discovery

Dec 15, 2007 03:43

[What happened Friday morning, when Phoenix found Trucy's little prank. 8D]

Wright: *wakes up on the couch the morning after a particularly tiring day that ended when he passed out in the living room shortly after dinner. He yawns and sits up, rubbing at a kink in his neck from the awkward position he's been sleeping in. Hearing a sound over at the kitchen, he glances over blearily to see what's going on*

Trucy: *is pawing through the refrigerator, looking for something to make breakfast with. She comes across a jar of pickles and lifts it up onto the counter, where she's already put a slice of bread. She hums lightly to herself*

Wright: *gets up and stretches out, craning his neck over to see what she's making*

Wright: Morning, Tru. You're up early.

Trucy: *glances over quickly, then goes back to work climbing up on the counter with help from a chair*

Trucy: I'm making breakfast! *said with great determination*

Wright: *grins at her tone* There's some peanut butter in the corner cabinet. I think we're out of jam, though.

Wright: *heads over to his work desk, shuffling some stray papers aside, and clicking the computer mouse to take the computer out of screensaver mode*

Trucy: *notices him at the computer and stops her search of the cabinet for a minute*

Trucy: Daddy, um...will you open the pickles for me? The top is on really tight!

Wright: *glances up* Huh? Oh, okay. ...Are you sure you want pickles with peanut butter, though?

Trucy: *pulls the peanut butter out of the cabinet, which she can open on her own, and does so while still sitting on the counter*

Trucy: Yup.

Wright: *walks over to the kitchen area and gives the pickle jar an easy twist open. He sets the jar on the counter*

Wright: Do you want the pickles cut into slices?

Trucy: Nope.

Trucy: *pulls out a butter knife and starts to slather peanut butter on her slice of bread. Once there's enough, she puts one whole pickle on it and rolls it up like a hot dog*

Wright: *watches her for a moment in a bit of amusement, and then heads back to the computer desk, sitting back down at the chair there. He clicks open the web browser, and starts browsing around*

Trucy: *watches from the kitchen as she eats her breakfast*

Trucy: Do you want me to make you breakfast too, Daddy?

Wright: No, it's okay, I'll get something in a minute--

Wright: *cuts off a little abruptly as a page loads. His expression changes to one of confusion, then shock, then horror, going a shade of red brighter each step*

Wright: ........ *scrolls down the page*

Trucy: *becomes very quiet as she nibbles*

Wright: *without looking up he starts typing, his fingers clacking on the keyboard rather loudly*

Wright: *finally clicks the mouse, and sits staring at the screen*

Trucy: *starts scooting into the furthest corner of the counter*

Wright: *with almost an absurd amount of control, though the stress in the tone is evident* ...Trucy?

Trucy: *ducks into her shoulders and chews her lip*

Trucy: ........Daddy?

Wright: Did you use the computer last night?

Trucy: Last night? Ummm..... *her voice gradually trails off* I think I might have used it a little...

Wright: You made a post and a couple of replies on my journal as me, right?

Wright: *glances over to her*

Trucy: *stares at the floor*

Trucy: Just...a few....

Wright: *gets up from the desk, and heads over to where Trucy is in the kitchen. His face is still a little red, but otherwise, he looks pretty serious*

Trucy: *peeks up at him, and after a moment of lip-chewing, tentatively offers the remaining half of her breakfast pickle*

Wright: *shakes his head*

Trucy: *looks down again and puts the peanut-pickle on the counter*

Wright: You shouldn't post as other people, Tru. Especially-- *flushes slightly* -- e-especially about something like that!

Trucy: I was just trying to help... *mumbled*

Wright: *rubs the back of his neck*

Wright: To help me find a-- a mom for you, Tru?

Trucy: *nods*

Trucy: Because...you're so busy and tired.

Wright: *blinks in surprise, and his expression softens*

Wright: ...H-hey, I'm not that that tired all the time...

Trucy: *looks up again with a childish expression of doubt*

Trucy: You fell asleep even before my bed time, Daddy...

Wright: *a bit embarrassed* Well, it was a long day. But I don't mind doing both... both mom and dad things.

Wright: *puts a hand on her arm, and rubs it lightly* It was... thoughtful of you, Tru, but you could've fooled someone and got their feelings hurt.

Trucy: *kicks her feet anxiously*

Trucy: But...what if they would be a really good mommy, and they just don't know you're looking for one? You should let them know, right?

Wright: *sweats* Well, I... I don't think I'm ready to start dating, or anything.

Trucy: *stares up at his forehead for a moment*

Trucy: But...if I had a mommy, then you wouldn't have to work so hard.

Wright: *notices her staring, and rubs at his forehead self consciously*

Wright: That isn't the way grown ups look for someone to be with, though-- *hurriedly* despite what you may see on other peoples' journals. It's not the way to look for someone who you want to be with for a long time.

Trucy: *is quiet for a moment and then nods*

Trucy: Okay... I guess I get it.

Wright: *squeezes her shoulder lightly, looking at her face*

Wright: Hey... you okay?

Trucy: *furrows her brow in great determination*

Trucy: One daddy is enough. I don't need a mommy.

Wright: *hesitates, looking at her carefully*

Wright: *quietly* It's... not fair to you, I know. Especially when I can't spend as much time with you as I want to...

Trucy: *works up a smile*

Trucy: It's okay. I'll just have to be my own mommy.

Trucy: *picks up her pickle again*

Trucy: See? I can make my own breakfast, even.

Wright: ....... *is honestly speechless for a good minute, looking terribly ashamed of himself*

Wright: *leans forward and hugs her to him tightly, pickle sandwich and all*

Wright: I... I'm sorry, Tru. *it's his turn to mumble*

Trucy: *squirms a little, nervously*

Trucy: Are you okay Daddy...? I'm...I'm sorry I wrote in your LJ. I won't do it again.

Wright: It's okay.

Trucy: *relaxes, and instead wiggles closer*

Wright: *rubs her back with a hand*

Wright: *partially wondering to himself* I didn't know that you'd be comfortable with me dating someone, actually...

Wright: *gives her a squeeze* You really want me to, Tru?

Trucy: *tips her head onto Phoenix's shoulder*

Trucy: If you don't want to... it's okay. I'm almost nine--I can take care of myself.

Wright: No, I... well, I guess there... is actually someone I'd want to ask. I think you'd like her...

Trucy: *perks up*

Trucy: Really? Is it Miss Andrews?

Wright: H-huh? No, not her.

Wright: *steps back and loosens his hold on Trucy, but keeps his arms around her*

Trucy: *notices she has pickle juice on her hand, and wipes it on her knee*

Wright: She's... *turning slightly red* Well, you haven't met her yet, but she's coming over for Christmas.

Trucy: *grinning* Can I get her a present?

Wright: Okay. *ruffles her hair a little* But nothing embarrassing, alright?

Wright: Her name's Iris. *he sounds a little goofily sappy saying her name*

Trucy: Hmmm... That's a pretty name.

Wright: *nods*

Wright: She's a very kind person. And very pretty.

Wright: *brushes a crumb or two from Trucy's face*

Trucy: *grins*

Trucy: I can't wait!

Wright: *grins a little as well, though he looks embarrassed at the same time*

Wright: You're not going to tell her before I do, are you?

Trucy: *zips her fingers across her mouth*

Trucy: I won't say anything!

Wright: *lets her go*

Wright: Alright, then.

Wright: *stops and thinks for a moment, staring at the counter-he's pretty much forgotten the line of discussion from before*

Trucy: *finishes her pickle-butter-bread*

Trucy: I'm gonna get my backpack!

Trucy: *grabs Phoenix's arm to help her hop off the counter*

Wright: *glances at his watch with alarm, and then helps Trucy quickly off the counter*

Wright: *with a bit of a groan* I forgot the time... We're going to be late!

Trucy: Then let's run!

Trucy: *dashes into the living room for her backpack*

Wright: *looks down, and realizes he's still in a t-shirt and boxers. He makes a run to his room, mentally deciding that he'll have to skip shaving today in order to make it in time for work... though there's still no way he's going to skip doing his hair*

scene, iris fey, parenting, trucy

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