Steve recommended I try Rummikub. By all accounts it's a fun game, but the
official website seems to take absolute delight it making it as difficult as humanly possible to actually play a fucking game.
Here, I'll try now. Let's see what happens.
- I click the "Play Now - Click to enter a random game room with available seat" button
- I get dropped in to a game that is well underway (34 tiles left in the bag) and has no open seats
- I try step 1 again
- It takes me to the exact same room which, unsurprisingly, is still in progress
- I click "Back to Lobby" to look for a room
- The list, by default, shows me a ton of games that are already playing
- I click "Hide full rooms". It's still the case that most of the rooms shown are in the middle of a game, because a room need not be "full" to be engaged in a game. There's no option to filter to rooms that aren't in the middle of a game (note that games take up 30 mins so it's not like you just drop in and wait a few minutes)
- I click on a room that is "Waiting" and it expands to show a preview. I click on "Play here"
- I am placed in a room with 3 "inactive" players. All of them appear to be AFK. I wait for a few minutes and nothing happens
- Back to the lobby I go. It doesn't save any of my filtering preferences. Repeat step 8
- Repeat step 9, except this time there's one other player that is "Waiting for next game" and two "inactive" players
- Repeat step 8
- This time it comes up with a message - this seat has been taken (while I waited for the flash app to load for the hundredth time) - "We can find you a random room with [Play Now in a new room]". I click on the button
- It takes me back to the room I got sent to in step 2. They're still playing. I give up