Help me, o my flist!

Jul 02, 2011 18:20

Only hope, etc., etc.

I rely once again on your wisdom and deep knowledge of movies with attractive men in them. Does anyone recognize the Fassbender clips used in this constructed-reality fanvid? (mild spoilers for X-Men: First Class; also, HILARIOUS)

And/or the source of the screencap in this macro? I am 90% certain that's McAvoy in the tree, but I could be wrong. Also, if you have seen XMFC, you really can't go wrong with Texts From Xavier Academy, it's a mashup of the movie and Texts From Last Night. I am deeply, deeply amused by how well the texts work with X-Men screencaps >:D

I have a Netflix queueueueueueueue and I am not afraid to abuse use it!
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