
Oct 27, 2005 22:25

George Takei is coming out! This is so... in a way it makes my squeeing fangirly heart, well, squee, but then on the other hand, the man is 68 years old. I'm glad for him that he feels he can do this now, but I'm sad that the world is still so fucked up that he had to spend so much of his life not there already. If that makes any sense.

I started to go off today about the fucking anti-gay-marriage amendment and then I realized (and not because anyone said anything to me but just, it was a feeling) that as much as we joke about our department being Democrat Central and The Liberal Hotbed of the office, it's possible I'm still more liberal than some of the coworkers (and not just in my attitudes towards p0rn) and that's just sad.

Also, I noticed George is set to star in a production of Equus. ... then when I calmed back down I realized that since, really, there's no way he's playing Alan Strang (why yes, visions of crazy!Sulu have been haunting certain dreams of mine for over two decades, why do you ask?) then he must be playing Dr. Dysart. *spinny eyes...* Oh. WOW. *waves hands* If you're in the area, go see that if you can. Seriously.

In other news, I'm thrilled that our local high school has excellent school spirit. No, really. It's really damn cool that the entire school turns out for a Homecoming parade, from the marching band (SQUEE!) right down to the Latin Club. I just wish they'd just warn me when they're going to do it so I don't get stuck in the turn lane a mile and a half from the house watching theentirefreakin'parade go by with a tired, cranky five-year-old in the back seat. Meh. I might've gotten him out to watch and catch candy except that he was, yeah, tired and cranky. "That's a long parade. We need to go home."

Smallville was camp. Night Stalker was creepy.

Also, all the excitement about the baseball story that I'm not actually writing makes me wish I was writing it, just so I could make you guys happy *blush*

life_babble, politics, fannish_babble

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