Portmanteau- mostly tea stuff

Jul 11, 2015 22:21

I'm a bit on a tea kick again. Life is being a bit of a bear and I think it's a comfort thing. I'm going to be busier than usual at work for the next 5 weeks or so, Mom is puny and mostly staying in bed, I got hit in Mom's car while out doing the chores Thursday- etc. etc. (The car has a dent on the rear passenger fender behind the door which the man who hit me says he'll pay for repairing- it still runs fine and nothing else- including me- was damaged at all.)

Sooo- tea!

I haven't started my tea cosy yet- I want to finish the Oz books (about halfway there) and the Irish chain quilt (border and a half to go) before I do but I have been looking at them. There are so many neat ones! I'm going to be adding ones I would collect to a Pinterest page. I'm restricting myself to tea cosys shaped like buildings- which I find so cool! I'm not actually going to collect tea cosies- I have enough collections already and it would be very very expensive. Plus, I only really need one and that one I'm making.

I've gotten another tea cup but I'm not going to be adding it to my tea cup page. It's beautiful- and tiny! It's only about 2 inches tall and it's more of a decoration than an actual tea cup.

I've also been looking at some teas I want to try- namely:
(All Twinings except where specified)
    Perfect Afternoon (signature blend) I really want to try this one!
    Traditional Afternoon
    English Afternoon
    Australian Afternoon
    Bewley's Irish Afternoon Tea
    The Everyday Tea
    English Morning
    Strong English Breakfast
    Irish Breakfast
    Taylors of Harrogate Scottish Breakfast
    Rose Garden
    Yorkshire Gold (Not a Twinings, I think)

I mean- what's the difference between all these afternoon teas? And all the breakfast teas? Why is one Irish and one Australian and one Scottish? I wish I could get samples to try but I seems as if I'll have to buy boxes and hope they're at least 3 star teas.

About that- I've rather dialed in my ratings system:

These are the teas I will make a special trip to the store (or a special order) for if I run out.

These are the teas I won't make a special trip to get but I will pick them up the next time I go shopping.

These are the teas I will drink what I have but won't replace.

These are the teas I will give away to someone who will appreciate them more.

These teas I won't even give away, I'll throw away rather than inflict them on anyone.

It helps for me to have a "Would I buy this again? How desperately?" thought when I'm trying to decide on a rating for a tea.

Livejournal is being a putz so I'll post entries over there when they're back up.


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