Day 2251 Love in the time of otters and other matters of no import

Oct 18, 2009 09:30

Well, 80s journal is gone. He pointed out that if I'm the only one reading it, he can just email me if he has anything to rant about... or call. This is true but I am still just a tiny bit blue about it.

I told him recently that, since he's had me watch all 5 Saw movies, I was going to retaliate and make him watch a chick flick with me. I wanted to see Julie and Julia or The Proposal... and the stinker actually wanted to watch both of them! He brought me The Proposal last night but we didn't watch it since he's already seen it. *sigh* Guys who like chick flicks... who knew?

The prizes have been (randomly) awarded for the Blogger Quilt festival and I didn't win. Hardly surprising- there were over 600 entries and only 25 or so prizes. After looking at the list, I'm not terribly unhappy about that since much of it were things that I didn't want (rotary cutters and patterns for machine sewing and one free quilting of your quilt top). So I'm glad they went to others who will (hopefully) appreciate them more than I would.

This has been posted twice on my friend's list... but I want a copy to keep so here it is again:

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I've found the pattern I want to use for my 12 Kitty Days of Christmas quilt. The only problem I have is that I seem to have randomly collected a lot of fabrics with similar colour values so I'm going to have to look further to get some contrast into it. Otherwise it's going to look like a hot mess instead of a pattern.

What I am doing playing with a new set of fabrics instead of finishing my Yellow Sub top, quilting on either Merry Halloween or anyone lived in a pretty how town or working on one of the three Storm at Sea tops I have going is anyone's guess. Certainly I don't see the sense in it!


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