Day 2634 Snippets

Dec 30, 2008 22:56

I've been working on my Cherry Hill Sampler quilt. So far, I have the center done... borders tomorrow if I'm industrious (and nothing happens). Which may mean pictures tomorrow... maybe. I won't have the appliques on the four sides and I may hold off on pictures until I have those.

I'm also considering what to do with the Yellow Submarine fabrics. They include four "pillow" panels and I think I might make those the four corners and have an appliqued central square of the Yellow Submarine itself. Not sure what to do with the setting blocks yet and the quilting design is totally up in the air. Maybe waves? All suggestions entertained...

I still haven't gotten the Halloween tablecloth completely hemmed and it and the napkins still need their candy corn appliques... which I have yet to make.

I need to finish more projects before I start new ones. Bad wren! I definitely flit too much.

I did get my logic book finished... no kudos on that one... I've had the new one waiting for almost a month so I'm actually behind. (I decided to have a Karma bath tonight for no good reason so I finished the book in the bath. Yay, Karma!)

I need to read more.

So... New Year's Eve tomorrow. Since I have to work, I'll raise a glass at midnight but have no other plans. Instead, I get a three day weekend this week... and maybe I can finish some of these projects that are hanging fire. I'm not planning on making any real resolutions, as such, but I do intend to embark on the "No New Stuff" program for 2009 and see how economical and environmentally friendly I can make my life.

Starting with a watch... if this one quits again, I will have to get a new one- or at least a new to me one- and I'd really like something that does not take batteries. Solar powered or motion powered seems like the best option but I'll have to hunt around for one that is either one of those things and looks decent on me. (Which means small, plain and silver)

I'd also like to stop smoking and start exercising more... and reduce our meat/sweets intake. But I refuse to make resolutions since I've made them so many times before with no effect.

Last night I had a good chat with zenkitty_714... I keep meaning to tell you and forgetting that we got the box and thank you! I still haven't watched Mouse Hunt but I'm looking forward to it.

People are still emailing/PMing me about decanting supplies. *sigh* If I only had 72 hours per day... I would fill them all and still need more. Either I try to do too much or I'm very poor at time management... I'm uncertain which.

So... anybody got New Year's resolutions that they want to share?

*edit*: Someone has been all over my webshots page this week!

recycling, quilting, thrift

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