Dec 03, 2006 23:39
i start my new job tomorrow. really looking forward to it. not really nervous at all. the branch manager seems pretty awesome. hope to have fun with it.
Sara sent some new pics of her daughter Emily. she's cutting teeth. her two middle bottom ones are out and her two 2nd top ones are out. middle top are not there yet. she looks like a little vampire *awww*
all the house searches finally came back at the end of last week. we're hoping for a closing date sometime this week, but if not then *hopefully* next week. any longer than that and we may end up in a cardboard box out on the street come christmas day. we need to be out of here by the 24th. i cant wait to move out of this house! it's like a complete fresh start. new house we dont have to worry about being careful about the amount of holes put in the walls, no need to stare at this horrid textured shitty wallpaper that's got about 10 coats of the same off-white eggshell shitty paint colour on them. NO MORE CARPET IN THE BATHROOM OR KITCHEN :D
wednesday it will be one year since my dad passed away. i didnt call my mom on his birthday in November. i called her a few days afterwards. we were just so busy with things going on for the house, and me getting stuff done for the new job that it totally slipped my mind. she said she's taking the 6th off just to be on her own for the day. i cant say i blame her.
i should head to bed now. big day tomorrow.. start at 10 so not too bad.