One nagging Question, and a Few Good Links

May 17, 2008 15:26

There's this thing that always happens about two weeks before school gets out, where I completely run out of steam, and lie around dedicating an obscene amount of time to nursing my malaise/ennui, and pondering really deep questions like this one:

Do vegan chicks feel guilty when they swallow?

I thought about googling that, but was too lazy to get up and plug in my computer, whose battery had died. It's not that I don't have things to do. Rather, my life as I know it is rapidly coming to an end, and even though I'm desperate for the transitional phase in general to be over, I find myself wanting to preserve each individual moment of valley-life indefinitely.

Naturally, since it's about 100 degrees and sixty percent humidity, I am making bread., which I've timed to be ready breakfast-ish tomorrow. I'll get up and flop it over about six, wake up at eight and bake it, eat too many slices, and then vow to swear off simple carbohydrates for all of eternity.

I did go into my classroom to make sub-plan for Monday, and concluded that I have so much to do that it was better not to get started. Read a few hilarious essay's from "I Was Told There'd Be Cake", and marveled at the fact that she was EXACTLY the type of upper-middle-class-suburban-New-Yorker I had learned to loathe while working as a camp counselor in CT so many years ago. But in her book? I love her.

Now, back to the kitchen to ponder the fate of a wilting bunch of Brocoli raab, a bottle of pomegranite molasses, (better than it sounds), and a pitcher of sun tea.

Next up on my jam-packed procrastination list? Paint a mask,, and maybe find a suitable piece of creative non-ficiton for

Oh, the tortured life I lead...
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