Daylight Raineth upon the Festivities of our immoral gathering

Dec 29, 2003 14:28

I'm pretty excited right now.I have a new bike....briefly;someone ripped the parking meter my old one was u-locked too,from the ground and rode? off.
I also have a DIGITAL CAMRA it is 3.2 somthin-somthings.
I'm a little scarred to ride,it's been a week of healthy christmas food and an increased interest in ciggarettes but I will be listening to; POISON THE WELL.
Grindcore meeting Metal and Screamo + bike = many a good things.I will bring back pictures.....and lose the negative attitude....heh heh.My apologies for last nights post i wrote at 4a.m. ....some of it's still funny but I swear everything seems so much wittier in just my boxers while listening to the world snore.
JessiKA 4 to the fizive
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