Aliester Crowley wrote the book of lies.I pondered hard and figured out today's calorie count for all the Chicago Bears.I stumbled upon Mike Ditka's pickled egg consumption and typed this;
*I never was a cornflake girl, but if you put a bunch of middleaged whitedudes playing the Ravenloft RPG in one room,you get Pokemon and eventually Bulbasaur.
*You know those times you get really drunk and hit on a new friends mother over deviled ham and tomatoe soup??Don't try it on LJ.Excuses like I'm having a bad day (week) or "shit,I forgot to take my fake fangs out" won't work.Oh the misery,just post another pic to prove your still Hot Like Woah and get on with your friendlist(less) journey.
* I am loathed by many. for when I slayed the great king Bambadasse,the land did reenter a time of plague and insolent children(all at once,the COMMMOTION).Between spitting up blood and throwing snowballs a crimson ice age of sorts fell over the world.And when god said it was my fault,it was my fault....and thus quite a few bit their tounques in arguement.It was a sad sad day but I sure am glad my bowels have not liquiefied like so many others.
Now reign the age of the defiant teenager and scabby aftermath of my great sin.
*pick-up lines are like slitting your wrist from side to side;it just doesnt work.
(damn I hate saftey scissors and kids glue)
*if you hate attention and your LJ friends are from the "drug_users" group,worry not
they missed your post while searching their elctric orange shag carpet for "wickie-sticks"
*If your of the female gender as well as female persusation and a bunch of SnoopDog fans add you to their friends list.....worrry not because "we don't love these hoes"
*You make mistakes *shrug*....we all try to overdose on Flintstones Fun and Fruity Family Variety of Multivitamin.The important thing is you lauphed at yourself...maybe made some scary comments on LJ and got on with life.To bad if the Wiccan doesnt want your nad's anylonger,Fred will.And they can wiccan REDE this however they want too.
*Jon Bon Jovi played on MAD T.V. last night, call it a come back-and you can do it too! (Jon's acting carrier is excempt from even positive sounding sarcasm)
*I talk to satanist's on LJ, you do ,we all Barry White said;"Let's get it on"
*there a groups for people like you; my crush posted and shot him self on Live go ahead get on with your life,what could anyone be waiting for.
*HallMark has collector cow's and long holiday line's, Elizabeth taylor collects marriage licenses in the recycling and has lines year round.
*For the love of god,Nancy Reagan only stroked it!
*Ice Cube teams up with Korn on "Children of The Korn" to say "Stop fucking with me"
*The poetry dissapeers everytime you ask me a dumb question and we have to lauph our way out of an awkward moment.(yes, you CAN replace mom's codeine with tylenol)
*The best pck up line for punk girls getting guy's is "I may be some peoples Hot Topik like lord of the dance,but trust me the party is right here in my bondage pants."
*I suffer from personality disorder everytime you scoff-I make snow angels.
*LARF is code for laughing alot is really fun.try it on AIM!
*Words like "dictate" and "dictionary" have just become socially acceptable to laugh at (in some arena's of LJ)
stayed tuned for next time's "My First Digital Camra(It's a Kodak,bitch)
****oh will car check out danpanik's LJ he's my friend of lots of years!!!!! wow gee....and his journal is funiier and better than mine because he won't die on his own hand.:)*****