Dec 12, 2004 21:15
My weekend was alright, I hung out with my mom, almost finished my x-mas shopping so far i have spent 145 dollars and i am soooo not finished, i still have to spend my next paycheck on my family, mostly my mom cuase i hate the rest of them, so on saturday, i was hanging out with Allison and we went to the mall, that was fun, I met some guy at C28 alli said he had cool eyes but i was kinda attracted to him becuase of his confidence level, it was kinda nice, I only bought two gifts on saturday Jon and Kyles and i spent almost 50$ and i still havent gotten Kyle the thing i wanted to, grrrrrr im so cheap. Anyways, Saturday night, i was suppose to hang out with the DAN DAN THE BRITTISH MAN but i couldnt get ahold of him so i went to a mormon dance instead, i saw this guy that i went to sadies with last year and danced with him, and he was really nice, we hadnt talked in amost a year so we had a little to say, when i left i said bye and dont let it be another year and he said for sure, we are gonna see eachother at the next mormon dance, the new years one, its suppose to be awesome, and so hopefully i will see him, he is really nice, i think he is kinda shy around my though, oh well, i have had a one track mind the last week, i think i like someone, but really i think i just want to make out with him, oh well, thats life for you...another lazy sunday....much love to all my little freinds...little meaning the minamle amount of freinds i have...lates