Tuesday...school and work

Nov 30, 2004 20:27

So, today...yea thats about all...haha it was just today, I came to school, i really dont know how to update this dumb thing, vacation was great, cant wait for the next one in three weeks from now. HAHA hmmm hmm hmmm kyle and mine birthdays are comming up, we are going to be 18!!! YAY! NOw we can buy our own cigerttes. Hahaha we are going to have a conjoined bday party first hooters, and then a strip club...haahaha OH yea Kyle wanted me to remind you all that he thinks he is sexy and when he looks in the mirrir it drives (himself) wild...anyways completly random bull shittt.....my sister is going to court tomarrow and I will prolly never see her again...but she was being a dick to me today, I think its cuase she just wants to make the departure easier...but i would rather her leave on good terms...I somewhat wish that she wasnt going back, and then the other part of me cant wait for my life without her. Sad emo lamo entry that went from random to wAAAANDOM
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