I can’t be losing sleep over this, no I can’t...

Aug 24, 2004 20:51

And now I can not stop pacing
Give me a few hours, I’ll have all this sorted out
If my mind would just stop racing
Cuz I'm waiting for tonight
Then waiting for tomorrow
And I'm somewhere in between
What is real, and just a dream...

Lj ate my last post the bastard.

So. According to my brother one can contact either some branch of the local council or the land registry people and send them a tenner and demand to see the blueprints for a house. They are obliged to send you said blueprints whether the house is in your possession or not. Anyone know the specifics of this or do I just bludgeon Google?

I have looked at many prices of houses in an attempt to figure out how much Rusham Rd might cost...

£2mil - My parent's 6 bedrm house in Kew
£680,000 - Average 3 bedrm house in Kew
£400,000 - Scanky house in Rusham Rd with planning permission for development into 8 studio flats.
£339,950 - Newly built house in Rusham Rd
£250,000 - Price paid 14y ago for my parent's house in Kew. £150,000 - Money spent 14 years ago making house livable in. (Inc: new roof, heating, wiring, some plumbing, flooring and wooden staircase.)

On the even more flimsy finance side is the amount of money I hope to get when my parents sell this house. (NB: this is based on a hell of a lot os assumptions, in fact just keep inserting the words 'hopefully' 'maybe' and 'supposedly' into the next bit...) My parents house sells for 2mil. They spend 1mil on a new house and magically the remaining sum is not eaten by the bank or the government or something. They split the sum between themselves, my brother and me. We each get £250,000. That's in the best of all possible worlds. More likely it will end up being £150,000 - £200,000 I guess. (Really honestly in the end doesn't have a damn clue.) Either way hopefully this will give me the largest stake in the house since I'm the one who's so damn obsessed with it.

Should I write to the owners now, or later when I definitely do/don't have the money? If I write now I can gage the situation and if they say 'No' then I have time to make other plans and wibble muchly. However if they say 'Yes' I will not be able to hand over the cash for likely another 5 months if at all.

If I write should the letter be very business-like and to the point? Or should it be more personal and 'impassioned'?
Those of you who expressed the possibility of aiding me financially with this insane scheme: when I next see you could you please estimate a (low-band and conservative) figure of the money you're considering making available? Also please tell me when it would be available for use and under what terms. (ie, what, how, when etc, do you require repayment or restoration?)

Is it all a stupid idea? Should I be sectioned now? Does anyone know what I should be doing (rather than what I am doing which is desperately making this all up as I go along)?


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