This is a list of Keechers and Others I miss seeing....

Apr 18, 2014 18:13

No, there are no names. But I bet you all know who you are, don't you?

♥ 1) Still in the Unwritten Library in Sursia - and with the crows bringing expectant linen scraps! Some day there will be Liberty and sheesha again =)

♥ 2) You're so brilliant my darlin' you're even training dread hounds of the Baskervilles - heeheee! (Having escaped that hold-up at Gunpoint with Mal somehow, how'd you do it...?)

♥ 3) Carrier pigeons don't really cut it long term, do they? Bollocks. Also stories - especially rookery ones. And pubs. The lack and much alas. Waaaaaaah.

♥ 4) Pub quizzes, thigh-booted pirates, hexing idiots, stabbing the world, drinking too much and vexing the LitchKing of Shamblyland. I'm definitely missing all that.

♥ 5) How is Shamblyland and the house there-in? How is the London Lupicallian? Very well with his Vixen I hope. (Chitten addition yet or no?)

6 ♥) I miss the games, the chat and the lounging. Find a good sunny spot, Sol Leon.

♥ 7) I owe you F&M biscuits and chat - and dragon buttons and time boxes and all sorts of things. I do feel very bad that I vacated London and as such didn't have enough time to say hello and plague you properly (as I should have!)

♥ 8) No matter what government agencies might say, accounts aren't the best way to keep track of someone. I prefer wine, a sofa, and a chat. Dammnit! Also, well, I'm partisan, the Oast rocks - I'll turn up any time =p

♥ 9) You're all grovly baggages, and I'm a terrible uncommunicative wench. But eventually even I miss you lot a bit. *sigh*

♥ 10) You lot are the grovly get of baggages. But I'm not around to sit on the floor with you, throw lego blocks, make puzzles, do baking, kill monsters or tell you that. Which is a bit sadlfoxears, really.

♥ 11) You mad glorious beautiful poxy old whore of a place. I miss you - nowhere on this side of the world comes close. You can be a cold skanky bitch sometimes, but still, I was born in your arms - what can I say - I love you and your muddy river anyway.

♥ 12) Be well, silly Sidhe baggage - try to find passions that don't destroy you. Or at least not all the time, hmm?

♥ 13) Tea, cake, biscuits, wild west stew - they'll all have to wait I'm afraid. But Larabee and Vin have patience, so I figure we'll manage too =P Also, ADBN Book II is being written...

♥ 14) I owe you a visit. Not only that but I owe you a well dressed, chatty, intelligent, meekle, non-mental visit that is worth my peculiar presence in your sitting-room. I'll get there -I promise - don't give up or move or die or anything silly - I'll do my damnedest to make it worth your while.

♥ 15) I know you don't want to see me - I know there are a lot of things you don't want. I just want to tell you I'm okay, and I think you'd be pleased with me and mine. Or at least you wouldn't worry. Probably. Which is the best news I have save for arsenic; sorry.


I hoped this would be a neat list - a list of five or ten maybe. But it isn't.
It's a sprawling litany of UK keechers, places, monsters, family and acquaintances I've abandoned and am sorry for the loss. I will return. (Oh yes, that's a threat and a promise.)
I just have no means currently and will not for a while, hence my vexation.

Any of you lot are welcome to visit though - we have goats and chittens and chaos - how could any of you resist?!

pele's home, misery loves company, family

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