Complaining to Trading Standards...

Apr 04, 2012 10:05

Dear Morpheus,
I've had a very busy time in your kingdom these past two nights. I've been torn apart by hedge wolves, I've been drowned twice (that was pretty stressful), I've had shrapnel shards in my ribs and then had to run away from people a lot. I've watched someone be tortured by having bits of his lungs cut out whilst I've gone into shock from injury and blood-loss because my allies were too busy making someone scream to give me bandages. Finally when they did help me they cut open the top of my foot, put magic nanotec meds in the wound and stapled it up again. (Which, in case you were wondering, bloody hurt.) There was a Jacobean tragedy I was suddenly and unexpectedly in despite not having a script or knowing the play. There was improbable architecture, chases, threats, a screaming stand-off with guns that makes Reservoir Dogs look like a walk in the park and almost getting drowned (again).
Both mornings I've woken up at dawn feeling like I've just been given ECT. Not exactly restful. Can I have something a bit more fun tomorrow night? Or at least with less pain, screaming and dying?

disagreements with morpheus

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