Winterfest cometh...

Dec 23, 2011 20:25

Logs fetched, grate cleaned, tree sorted, greenery found, wreathes made, hall decked. Shopping lists made, presents wrapped, cards made, father's office sorted, things tidied to the attic, kindling collected, flagstones swept clean of soggy leaves. Also some cooking, meat jointing, tidying and looking after my monstering niece thrown into the mix. And drawing henna designs on my sister's feet.

Busy? Why yes, insanely so thanks, and my brother and his lot haven't even arrived yet.
Oastian seneschal duties are somewhat full-on at christmas.

I have stories and replies and thank yous and stuff to send to people, but that will have to wait. Instead, my life in pictures.

(( I should possibly start with a pic of me since I look like Irene Adler's less attractive little sister in a pair of 1880s high-waisted britches, shirt and waistcoat. However I didn't think of that when I was taking shots, so use your imagination - it'll look better that way anyhow =P ))

What happens when you pick off the lower bit of your nail 'cos it's a mess. It goes all blistery and bobbly. What fun.
Doesn't actually look that awful, but hurts rather a lot and keeps getting bashed which makes it unhappier.

Oastian stairs.

The Oast double-stairs are lovely.
All our decorations are at least ten years old if not fifteen, falling apart and covered in grime. So I threw them out and put up spiggly willow, ivy and fir from the garden instead.

Right. There's probably something I ought to be doing.
Alas, I doubt it's sleeping. Pity...

oast, winterfest

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