What have I *done?*

May 12, 2011 14:08


So I have a brain that's just about functional at last, and am trying to catch up on what has been (let's be honest here) nearly two years swallowed by Oast duties and depression. And yes, yes, I should never have accepted commissions when I was that busy and that fekked in the head but, well, I had no money and not doing art makes me want to be dead. So. Not much of a choice. (I'm not bitching, promise, just explaining.)

Currently (please oh please can someone find me a gigantic bit of slate to nail to the wall - pleaeaeassee) I have to do:

Today NOW or everything's screwed - finish 18th C Whore Cover for Ian
Year late - A1 art nouveaux Drawing for Ketch
Two years late? - Paint guitar for Maz
Two years late? - Paint coat for Mike
V soon - Story + parcel for the dear girl living with Holmes and Co.
Many years late - Neuron flags for James
Week late - Finish L5R pics for Dave
Not late Yet - Airship thingy for Andy

On top of this I have a couple of gothic stories to polish up and submit in the hope of publication, and tomorrow I go to the wilderness that is Earlsfield for days on end to paint James' flat and entertain NeuronNiece and Maxling without poisoning either of them with fumes or covering anything that shouldn't be covered in paint.

My point - well, my first point other than I'm obviously a flakey disorganised wench - is that my other brother (Bastie, oh he with the lovely Anja and assorted sprogs) has just rang me to beg me to draw story boards for him. He'll know what he wants... soonish. Monday, probably. And his pitch is on thursday morning. I'll have to draw a bunch of people swanking around london at 2am (about six pics for each idea, maybe more like ten, about three ideas. They think.)

My second point - the really Real Point, is that I've obviously been watching too much Dr Who - 'cos I said yes. Because this has got my name written all over it... well - give me a crayon and a few minutes....

Neurons? I know we have no money. I know we need it. I know we don't like saying 'no' to art stuff. But y'know what? We're not an insane super-silver neuron with a time box. Nope, not even if you dress up.

Anyone got any time in a jar they could give me?
(Or if it kept me super-productive for a week and didn't make me too crazy I'd settle for speed.)

creative, neurons, family

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