Corvid's found a new thing to stare at. And a new flat she wants.

Feb 16, 2011 12:21

There is something on Sky Living called 'Bedlam'.
It's a sort of collision between one of those irritating flat-mate-dramas and Supernatural.
I was expecting it to be bloody awful. It isn't. I mean, it's cliched - as most ghost stories are - but it had some very nice touches and a couple of creepy moments. It's Brit made; occasionally the ideas far outstrip budget, sense and probability but honestly I've seen far worse Hollywood horror films.
So here's my recommendation for something silly.
Bedlam: a bunch of bright young things living in a block of lush flats converted from an old asylum. (IWANTTOLIVETHERE) There are ghosts with their own agenda and no compunctions about what they do to get it. There is meta plot which is hinted at and a ghost-of-the-week main plot. It is silly. But is you fancy watching the equivalent of a trashy ghost story, I recommend it.

And now I should pack my bags for the Oast and see if I can visit Bedlam proper on the way. Wish me luck and madness my darlings, I'm off to the Imperial War Museum. (Hm, do I dress up as an inmate or a WWI soldier? {I mean no disrespect, truly I don't. Both WWI and asylums form a large and interesting crater of doom in my psyche. But dressing up is currently keeping me sane. Or at least keeping me happily unhinged.})

Erm. Yeeesssss.



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