Ohhh, let's see.

Jan 15, 2011 23:01

Today I went to help my father find material for curtains for the sitting room.

Terracotta apparently isn't 'in' as a colour which scuppered his plans and started my troubles.

I found various pale antique gold / oatmeal sort of things which I thought would go with the sofas, but apparently gold is bad and the sofas aren't gold-hued in the least (so maintains my father). I found oat/stone things instead, we got swatches and left.

Back at the Oast, all of the stone/oat stuff was too pale because despite my father's continual protestations to the contrary, the sofas are gold-hued. I was a bit disconcerting to be pointing at a piece of furniture and saying 'Lookit! it's got yellow in its colour balance. It's not beige or oat, it's pale cold gold! That's why those other colours don't go! Yellow!!!' and have my father disagree.

How can he not see the gold hues but still at the same time see perfectly well that the more creamy stuff is too washed out and doesn't go? *confused neurons*


Working on my coat today. So much vexation. I'm not impressed with Vogue patterns. They neither fit nor sit right, the shoulders are fucked and oh dear gods what the hell is that - that's a mess, not a sleeve. Pinned things for hours, used sleeves from a frockcoat and tail/skirt from a pirate coat and the mock up finally looked okay. Have cut pieces out in grey wool, will pin it all tomorrow and hopefully it'll still work. I've been told by those in Shamblyland that my lovely necromantic buttons are being held ransom by customs people. Fuckers. *sadlyfoxears*


Terminator (1984) is on TV. Heehee. I still know far too much of the script. And Kyle Reese is still broken, doomy and fine =)

creative, oast

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