Unclever Things To Do #1476...

Nov 26, 2010 19:03

Am Oastboand this weekend as my brother et al are coming to visit and I am required to entertain and feed ill neuron-niece.

Today has contained cooking and reading random fic in equal measure. Last night for some reason contained staying up 'til past 3 making notes for a story I probably won't write. *grumble-bloody-Javert-grumble*

Anyway. Unclever Things To Do #1476: grasp the stainless steel handle of a large saucepan after it has sat in a hot oven for two hours. Really - don't bother. Unless you need to melt off your thumb print, all marks from your first two fingers and a section of your palm. If that's the case, go for it.

Ow. Although at least it was my left hand. Also now my neurons want to find an ink pad to see what my melted finger prints look like...


Having to stop every three minutes to hold an icepack is putting a serious crimp in my narrative style and fucking up my already pathetic typing ability no end. DAMNIT. Also having Les Miserables in my head means I want a swooshy L'Inspector/ScarletPimpernel/BrotherhoodOfTheWolf coat. Which is a pain as I have fekk all money for a sewing project that would require that amount of material and that number of shiny buttons. (I have no money for cigarettes or food, sewing supplies are right out.)

*neurons plot stealing chibi Javert's coat. Plot fails as he is patently too mopey to have his coat piked. Damn.*


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