In which the Universe is rather nice to Corvid.

Nov 14, 2010 20:52

✮ Thursday ✮

Returned to shamblyland without the need of a train ticket - thank you Anubis. Had a drink with colonel_maxim in the evening and talked all manner of rubbish.

✮ Friday ✮

Went to Greenwich to amble about and possibly buy food. Or cigarettes. Noticed all the trees by the shamblyland cenotaph had giant poppies on them. (All right, so what I actually saw when I first looked at them was extremely dead&bloody soldiers in trees which caused me to forget how to breathe for a bit. Which got me some funny looks. Erm. But anyway.) In Greenwich I did not buy food. Or cigarettes, or even vodka. I bought three miniature poison bottles and sorted through a 50p box of scrap picking out all the WWI brass insignia I could find to decorate my jacket with. Neurons were ever so smug until they asked for food and smokes and I had to explain that I'd only had a tenner and they'd spent the tenner and really, that was that. They sulked. Went to visit ketchgirl in the evening and was given munchy food and a cigarette - so that was a win all round.

✮ Saturday ✮

Attempted various projects before discovering if I had the correct kit I had no inspiration, and if I had inspiration I lacked the correct kit. (Need heavy beading wire ever so badly.) Eventually decided to write saturday off and so spent most of it watching North & South and Strike Back. The first was surprisingly engaging given how despite liking them in theory I can get very bored with costume dramas. (I did at various points want to slap the heroine for her ability to forever open her mouth and insert her foot no matter the subject. Also her naive faith in the law and human nature both being good and just was highly vexing.) Strike Back was gloriously silly, as anything based on a Chris Ryan story promises to be. (Am very interested in the fixing-bullet-wounds-with-cordite thing though; does that actually work?) Was given chocolate buttons and a wish star by Matt - yey! - neurons were very pleased.

✮ Sunday ✮

Found a black velvet bodice I'd forgotten I had. Discovered it actually fit. (I was bloody surprised.) Dressed like a denizen from the Other London. Navigated my way to Seven Dials by instinct, to look at the bead shop on Tower Street I remembered as being good. It wasn't. It had silly stones and none of the wire I needed. Bah. On the plus side it did have some cool bone beads (well carved dragons, feathers and skulls) so I got some of those. Then off to the National Gallery to attempt to solve the crime of the not-quite-stolen-painting, the clues for which came from the paintings themselves in a strange treasure hunt kinda way - I was teamed up with Satyrica whose navigational skills were excellent as well as his ability to thesaurus-like turn various of our mangled ideas into the correct answer. Mostly due to these two factor and my neurons picking the correct reason why the heist failed even if their logic was a little off, we won. So as well as having had fun deriding and admiring the paintings we got to be smug too =)

Back to the Oast tomorrow, but that was a rather shiny holiday all in all. (Heh - I wonder how my father faired with his sister staying?) And now - chocolate buttons!

happy, neurons, meekle

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