"I want you to know...

Sep 02, 2009 23:38

...With everything I won't let this go,
These words are my heart and soul
I'll hold on to this moment you know,
'Cause I'll bleed my heart out to show
That I won't let go..."

Ah, hello mopey-bitch mode, kindly fekk off would you, you bore me. Fine. Fekk you. Let me list the ways of your stupidity then.

My jackets are all up at Fellfromcorvidia.etsy.com and because I haven't (naturally!) sold the lot in five minutes straight I'm depressed. Or more accurately I'm doing the maths and thinking it's not very likely that I'll sell any, let alone enough each month for rent. Gah.

This leads into my second point of angst: I had a month or two of money - this has now ceased so I'm fretting about bloody credit card bills. Gah again.

Third point of horror: must deal with flat issues - really REALLY must, even if actually I'd rather gnaw a hole in my arm.

Forth point: ZG - epic frustration - oh yey. And with Oast tomorrow I have no ability to sort it.

Fifth and possibly final point is all linked with necromancy and isn't even a bad thing for fekk's sake, it's a shiny thing, I just desperately want it and can't believe it will materialize. So am unhappy. Which is utterly dumb.

Since I saw Aliens the other day (still a surprisingly good film even after 20+ years) I've been searching out relevant fic to read. This turns out not to be the best of ideas, as any of it that's written worth a damn is rather bleak.

And I should probably stop listening to this song on a loop. *sigh*

"Thoughts read unspoken, forever in doubt
Pieces of memories fall to the ground
I know what I didn't have, so, I won't let this go
'Cause it's true, I am nothing without you..."

necromancy, bitching, nights like these

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