
Jan 05, 2009 03:48

After a long weekend that was primarily very cold and secondarily not really including much I was interested in...
After not really eating for the past few days...
After not doing anything constructive...
After feeling pointlessly and pathetically miserable for what are (mostly) petty reasons...

I went to catch a bus home from Canada Water after ZG. I was still wearing costume (Mrs Lovett-esque skirt and corset plus morning coat and stetson) and it was gone one in the morning. The roads were almost empty...

And it was snowing.

And so for a little while, I swished through the dancing snowflakes in a flurry of blood red skirts, forgetting all the myriad things in my life that make me unhappy, and instead watching the tiny ice crystals floof through the night sky and catch like star dust in the street lights.

Sometimes (admittedly, for brief moments only) I do love this world.


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