
Jan 08, 2007 20:23

I played Bedlam at the last game - a semi victory to my neurons.

Jez read over all my crib notes on the Psychosis Discipline I'd made up and although he clarified a couple and put a (well earned) 'ST discretion' note on the level 9 powers, he approved them all. This surprised me. Now to get the rest of the sheet approved...

He also said he wanted me to make up a PC. Then he pointed out that if I wanted I could have Bedlam as I had 14 or 15 donations and by his reckoning 400 xp from npc'ing. Even if that is the case, I'm pretty sure actually that's not enough, although it might not stop me from trying.

Add on to that, most of ZG are powergamers at heart - and no powergamer likes a 4th gen pc when it's not theirs. I remember Jason Black and the bitching. I know that half the reason why my npc's of doom aren't universally despised is because they turn up, irritate the fekk out of half the people there and then go away again. The going away and giving people a rest is an important factor I feel.

Despite all this common sense warning I'd still be tempted to give it a try if it wasn't for Sally. Bedlam annoyed Firinne and I made my mistake with the rules - neither Firinne nor Sally have recovered from it.

"Bedlam makes Firinne want to frenzy. Really. I stand in the same room as Raven playing her, and I can feel blood rising. It was quite comforting to discover that a lot of that is Firinne bleed, for neither the Rachael-Malkavian-Thing or the Lirit-Elder-Thing were nearly as bothered."

I love the qualifiers in that statement. If Rachael and Lirit weren't 'nearly as bothered' that still implies they were bothered. And quite how either character could be legitimately bothered when I encountered neither of them and did nothing more offensive than turn up and read tarot all evening I don't know. Also Bedlam must actually make Sally want to frenzy otherwise the idea of Firinne-emotional-bleed is a nonsense.

Soooo... anyways. The upshot of all this is that Jez basically offered me the chance to play Bedlam as a pc, all for myself. And 10% out of common sense, and 90% out of not wishing to become any more of Sally's bete noir then I already am, I said no.

Neurons can't decide whether I have been sensible, adult and mildly self-sacrificing... or blindingly, achingly dumb to pass up such an opportunity.


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