Tarot reading for 2007.

Jan 02, 2007 20:04

Me - Ace of Pentacles: Money and the fact I should be generating / getting some.
Path - Hanged One: Triumph of the spirit over the mundane. (Hm. There is a possibility this refers to the attendance of a funeral.)
Now, basis - 10 Knives: We all know I have a propensity for being a depressive wench. I think something may well drop me off my ledge of sanity.
Now, becoming - Star: But, bad things don't last forever - stuff I've learned (or will learn) will help hope prevail.
Past - 6 Pentacles: (This card's a bit obscure) Past gifts and favours are important.
Future - Fool: I will continue to follow my fishy and meander strangely through life.
Me inside - Sun: With luck, focus and a bit of help I achieve the things most important to me.
Around me - Mourner: People are pouring their energy into a black hole - wasting time and resources. (Or does this actually refer to mourning?)
Hopes/Fears - 9 Penticales: I fear being stuck, left behind and overlooked. I hope I don't have to be selfish to get what I want nor gain it at others expense.
Outcome - 2 Cups: Partnership, harmony.

As a reading that's not as freaky and nasty as the one I did just before Winterfest, but it still contains elements of it. Hm.

I haven't really written in here since burbling about not feeling 'Christmas-y' on the Eve of that festival. I would like to report in the interest of fairness that come the morning when I was wrapped up warm in a nest with a Wolf and opening giftings, I was very happy - and maybe even 'Christmas-y' too =)

Since then I have read many new books, worn shiny new clothes, drawn and painted several new tarot cards, gone to a New Year's party, drunk too much vodka, been pathetically hung over, and drawn yet more tarot cards.

Life is currently (if you couldn't guess) quite shiny. My only problem is that I need to look into ways to generate money since I've given up Sunday-bookshop-ing and won't start work on James' admin building wibble for at least a month. *ponders*

What I've learned...
I'm the anti-christ of my sister's world (sometimes), NPCing can be a lot of fun and cause waaay too much trouble, wool does not like dye, digital cameras are doomy but expensive, money can occasionally have surprisingly elastic qualities, my life fits into 55 cardboard boxes, and that the number of the Beast is in fact 616...

What I've done...
Sewn a lot of costumes and swishy clothes, verbally stabbed someone who probably had it coming, written a lot of script, moved house, drawn story board, had a tattoo, gone to a re-enactor's market, drawn a book jacket, discovered the Malice Effect, bleached my feathers white, gone to Cornwall with a group of Monsters...

Best things...?
Tattoo wings, prince valiant song, script, insane clothes, house money, inexplicably losing weight, malaal, Wolf...

Worst things...?
Having my life in 55 cardboard boxes, the stupid stuff that comes out of rp, not going to the Imperial War Museum, my sister being a pain, my mother being ill, the 99%-of-the-time-time-of-the-month...

What I want to do...?
Finish the scripts and story boards. Finish re-vamping my tarot deck. Get an agent. Get published. Do more screen prints and Projects of Doom. Somehow make money out of all my Projects of Doom. Have a DenNest. To be happy once in a while and make others happy too. To find where reality is thin and *push*. To be eight stone (or less) and stay that way... And not to make any of the mistakes I've made in the past.


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