what fun.

Jul 23, 2006 11:01

Think I've realised the reason for my appauling mood.
Part of it is tiredness and stress at the thought of how much has still to be done.
The other part of it is Matt.

He texted last night to ask if I wanted him to visit after the game.
I was busy at the time and didn't reply til ten minutes later, by which time he'd left for home.
Yey. (I really wanted to throw my phone against the wall out of sheer fekking frustration.)
Since when the fuck does he have to ask?
If he didn't want to visit he should have said.
It just comes across as 'I didn't want to visit but I thought I'd make it seem like your decision so I'm absolved of responcibility'.

That on top of the fact that he hasn't come to help at all. (Didn't even offer to, which is probably what I'm most pissed about.)
All right, so I didn't ask him to - and who the hell enjoys lugging boxes?
But I've helped him move in the past, cleaned, packed, and constructed furniture.
So far his only comment on the situation has been, 'But I wouldn't know where to put things..."
Try 'In boxes' you idiot - it's not difficult.
Ah, but I'm forgetting - it's ZG this weekend - four games y'know.
It just would have been really fekking nice if he could have skipped one to give me a hand.

Am I being a bitchy little wench?
Edit: I've just texted him a shortened version of th above.
There is now silence of the type I am usually rewarded with after texting irritated complaints.
gods i'm tired.

gentlemen aren't nice

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