Wibble. Feh.

Jul 22, 2006 14:26

I have filled some more boxes.
Now I am bored. I should fill yet more boxes, but my neurons are full of tired and blonge.

I was hoping to go shopping in london (nothing spectacular, just one item of clothing i liked or a couple of books or something)... But I feel startlingly unattractive and unbelievably fat.
I'm well aware that these thoughts bare only the smallest of passing relations to reality, as I am of course no better or worse looking and no lighter or heavier than yesterday. Still, that's how it is.

It's kinda unfortunate really, because going shopping or even meeting up with friends while in this frame of mind is really rather hard. And I don't have anyone to coax or kick me out of it cos they're all in london already playing ZG.


And yes, I'm aware of the stupidity of a girl with a 27inch waist bitching about her weight & feeling fat. I know. But... i really do want to be 7.5st again. I doubt it will happen unless I either stop eating entirely or go back on meds and acquire mild anorexia like last time. Neither of which are a very happy prospect.

damn it - i hate looking like shit - or thinking i look like shit (from where i stand they're the same damn thing).

*great and pathetic was the neuron lament. waaah.*

Edit: I have packed 20 boxes. Everyone seems very impressed. I'm not - my room isn't even half done =(
I didn't go shopping or to ZG and i still feel blongey as hell.
My knees and ankles and complaining cos I've been on my feet for 12hrs lifting stuff.
Stupid body.


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