Illustrating a Futile point...

Oct 19, 2005 23:13

astroshadow1701: good night, hope your evening gets better. sorry for making you cross
wraithwitch: good night then
astroshadow1701: txt or phone if you want anything
astroshadow1701: miss you
wraithwitch: you don't need a raven, you have depression to keep you company

(Yes, that's me being bitchy, but from what Matt had told me it seemed he's wandered about all eve being a mopey bastard and not talked to me, so I was cross.)

astroshadow1701: what a lucky wolf i am
wraithwitch: apparently so
astroshadow1701: thanks for the help
wraithwitch: i'm quite certain i helped as much as the rain actually
astroshadow1701: i went hoping to find you, but i did not, i came back to find you on line and all i get its you being angry with me, no my love i would say you helped my mood a lot more than the rain, but not the way i had hoped.

(Ah. The revelation of what he was actually doing which is meekle and sadly instead of depressed and stupid.)

wraithwitch: could have told me that earlier

(That applies both to the revelation and the fact that he *really* wanted to see me, which I didn't know.)

astroshadow1701: so now i am going to go and leave you in peace, because perhaps it will allow you to go and do things to improve your mood since i do not
wraithwitch: *hits head against nearest solid object*

(Stupid evening plus stupid raven plus stupid wolf self-deprecation - GAH!)

astroshadow1701: WHAT?
astroshadow1701: i told you i was lonely
astroshadow1701: you know im neurotic?
wraithwitch: meek
astroshadow1701: yet all i seem to do half the time if not more is annoy you
wraithwitch: you're also usually bad at communicating when mopey which means i see things worse than they are
wraithwitch: you do not annoy me half or more of the time wolf
wraithwitch: *sigh*
wraithwitch: it is difficult sometimes having geographic distance
wraithwitch: and when tech doesn't work that is worse
wraithwitch: this eve has been a stupid eve
wraithwitch: feh to it

(See me not explain well at all - yey!)

wraithwitch: i hope your day tomorrow is shiney and meekle and not rushed or icky in any way
wraithwitch: if you need me, i will likely be uncontactable and feck all help anyway as is traditional
wraithwitch: dream shiney dreams
astroshadow1701: why uncontactable?
wraithwitch: it's traditional?
astroshadow1701: why?
wraithwitch: there has to be a breakdown of communication somewhere in order for problems to become insurmountable and those afflicted to become isolated and for it all to turn to shit. otherwise it all just gets sorted out and made better
astroshadow1701: so its traditional because one or both of us wants it all to go to hell?
wraithwitch: no
wraithwitch: it's traditional because the universe likes being mean
wraithwitch: how many times have you known a situation to go stupidly bad or wrong because of something utterly mundane and unavoidable that meant you could not talk to someone to explain?
astroshadow1701: then i guess i will speak to you when the universe allows it.
astroshadow1701: hope the pub goes well tomorrow evening
wraithwitch: if i go. pook

(Because I'm feeling so rich and so sociable at the moment.)

astroshadow1701: you know how to contact me if you should want to
wraithwitch: howling?
astroshadow1701: phone, txt, email, turning up
wraithwitch: i don't have the money to turn up otherwise i would have today kee
astroshadow1701: i have already told you i would reimburse you kee
wraithwitch: you don't have the money either kee

(Feck the fact that none of this would have happened if I had the bloody money to go to hatfield because I would have fecking GONE.)

wraithwitch: is it hatfield games this wknd?
astroshadow1701: no
wraithwitch: what games is it?
astroshadow1701: southern regional
wraithwitch: oh. you going to that?
astroshadow1701: i dont know
wraithwitch: ok
astroshadow1701: what are you getting up to?
wraithwitch: this week and end?
astroshadow1701: meek
wraithwitch: probably nothing. james muttered something about cinema on saturday but i'm unconvinced. work on sunday. that's it
astroshadow1701: well i guess its time i gave you some time to yourself

(See how that manages to be such a reasonable idea which he can use to efficiently gut himself with? Max would be jealous.)

wraithwitch: is it? oh.
astroshadow1701: if it is not then you should suggest otherwise

(I start to type to suggest otherwise there and then, but the next bit comes in a rush.)

astroshadow1701: have a good day tomorrow
astroshadow1701: sleep well
astroshadow1701: xXx
wraithwitch: wolf you're very strange .... oh never mind
wraithwitch: sleep well

(I give up.)

gentlemen aren't nice, head case

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