Satre would have a field day...

Oct 19, 2005 22:00

Well, shiney things have been happening (like going to Treadwells) and I have surprised myself by actually being quite organised with small mundane things such as visiting banks and post offices and such.

On the other hand, things such as my sister stealing my hair straighteners and going into rehab annoyed the shite out of me. But then I generally want to belt my sister anyway. Also I wish she wouldn't attempt to use rehab as a status symbol.

No Katie, it's not clever, I don't give a shit how 'street' you think you are. I've heard you puking your guts up, I've seen you twitching and shaking and acting like a fucking idiot. I know far too many secrets from your sordid little life. And I don't think it makes you smart to not be in a coffin and six feet down yet - I think it makes it surprising.

I really should stop typing before I start a rant of apocalyptic proportions.

I am unimpressed with this evening. It's all my fault I suppose. I forget that geographic distance is great for many things, except for when it's not. And that Mauvaise Foi is sometimes a very bad thing (hello Satre, you smug git.)

Mauvaise Foi is 'bad faith'.
In it's simplest terms, it is the act of walking through the world and looking at everything with experience instead of innocence, it is making assumptions of every kind. While I agree that it is foolish to think that because the gold key opened the door the silver, bronze and iron ones will too; I find people with no Bad Faith rather hard work. True, it can be stifling to have other people assume things because of your past - but trust me, having someone refuse to make any assumptions of any kind about you no matter how much information you provide is tiring and aggravating.

Anyway. This eve I had Bad Faith and it turned out to be an incorrect assumption based on insufficient evidence and so it all went wrong. Blergh.

PS: There's a book called 'The Games People Play' which is all about the odd little psychological attacks, defenses and rituals that people do to and for each other all the time. If the author's still alive (Eric Berne, he published in '65, so maybe) I feel I could write and suggest a few extra ones he's missed since the advent of electronic messenger programs such as Yahoo.

There's a game I shall call 'The Last Word' which is all about ignoring the person you're talking to so their last statement or question goes unaddressed, a bit like slamming the phone down on them.

There's a game called 'Lurking' which is all about signing off in a dramatic and sudden fashion, but actually staying 'secretly' to see if the other person comments further.

There's 'Inconclusive' where you describe what you are feeling or doing but with only enough detail for the other person to twig that it is Bad (TM). This leaves them panicked, worried and pestering which allows one to play 'Evasion' - which funnily enough does exactly what it says on the tin.

There's 'Gotta Dash' which involves one person signing off quickly so they can avoid (or pretend to avoid) seeing what someone it about to type. Sometimes 'Gotta Dash' is a prelude to 'Call my Name' which is the act of signing off swiftly so that the other person must contact you again in order to say what they wanted.

There are many more games of course, but those are the ones which come to mind.

If I sort out transport I will see people at the Beehive.
Otherwise I won't.
Have a good week.

rant, head case

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