*Swears a lot.* ... *And then swears a whole lot more.*

Aug 25, 2005 01:16

I am quite stunninly, despairingly, pointlessly raging.

Bollocks to agreeing to a spell and then ignoring the result. Fuck martyred honour and 1940's values of doing the right thing even if it cripples you. Bollocks to manners that say you keep faith with strangers while slighting friends. Damn bastard timing that means things are said and done too soon or not soon enough. And damn to frigging hell whatever circumstances forged in someone the habit of mentally pissing off to Antarctica when unhappy. (Actually I take that back, phones work in Antarctic, communication is possible; they must piss off somewhere further.)

Fuck it all being such a good opportunity ruined in a farcical situation.

Screw distance of all types, screw hiding behing self deprication, screw brain chemistry and the unbelievably ridiculous habit of NOT BLOODY TALKING despite the ever increasing amount of useless fecking messages asking you to.

And fuck me being so angry about it all when there's so little to get angry at and it's a waste of time anyway.

My head hurts.

magic, gentlemen aren't nice

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