Aug 25, 2005 01:01

Matt wanted a job. I made him a spell. He got temp work. My dad forwarded his CV to a business assosiate as a favour and came back with a job interview for the wolf. Matt refused the interview because of the temp work. (Despite that, aside from the london comute, it was the mythical perfect job he had wanted.)

Now, what really fecks me off, aside from the fact that my father is gonna be wonderfully unimpressed, is the fact that most of this is due to Matt's depression. (And his overabiding sense of honourable martyrdom, obviously, but I digress.) When depressed Matt hides away and habitually ignores all communique from me or answers in the most unhelpful manner imaginable. So he did this week when I was trying to impress upon him what a very good idea it was to go for the interview.

Today my father told me that on the strength of his recommendation alone, Matt was on a short list to get the job - a list that comprised of only one other candidate. All the wolf had to do was charm one lady, and the job was his.

Gods damn stupid fucking brain chemistary and the stupid fucking habits of depressives and bollocks to asking for my help in any capacity and then ignoring the aid and advice I give.

As you can guess, I am - probably unfairly - really kinda pissed off. Some of it is at Matt, a lot of it is at circumstance and bastard luck. Oh, and whatever circumstances forged the habit of mentally fucking off to Antarctica when unhappy.

wraithwitch: keecher?
astroshadow1701: what?
wraithwitch: you have to ring the Paula lady and ask for an interview on friday at 6.30
astroshadow1701: mergh?
astroshadow1701: i spoke with her yesterday
wraithwitch: ?...oh. what did you say?
astroshadow1701: what i was doing, she said she wanted someone now, and the conversation ended
wraithwitch: you. are. an. unbearable. SPOON
astroshadow1701: i have never dienied it
wraithwitch: why did you do that?
astroshadow1701: what was i suppose to do? its done now anyway
wraithwitch: why the hell are you so hooked up on doing 6 months of temp work when the job that is almost everything you wanted and was being offered to you on a fecking plate is there for the asking?
astroshadow1701: because i just started the job, and i told them i would stay there a while, i have been there three days!
wraithwitch: *closes her eyes* i know. but it's still temp work and it would not be the first time that they had a temp give them a month's notice and leave
astroshadow1701: Yea well im a disapointment as always
wraithwitch: WOLF
astroshadow1701: i have to go work in the morning
astroshadow1701: sleep well keecher
wraithwitch: you were on a short list of one. all you had to do was charm the paula lady and the job was yours
wraithwitch: why do you think i made that stupid spell?
wraithwitch: stop arseing about and hiding glibly behind self deprication and running away
astroshadow1701: maybe now you'll know more about me
wraithwitch: what, that you hide behind distance and self depriciation? i twigged that one a long time ago
wraithwitch: or was there something else i missed?
astroshadow1701: i dont know. i have to go to sleep
astroshadow1701: good night
wraithwitch: no, it isn't
wraithwitch: it's a very bad night
astroshadow1701: my apologies for ruining yet another of your evenings
wraithwitch: that kind of comment really doesn't help. but you knew that and said it anyways
astroshadow1701: what would you like me to say
wraithwitch: *sighs*
wraithwitch: is it possible to save grace and ask for an interview, or is that out of the question?
astroshadow1701: why does it mean so much to you?
wraithwitch: it means an amount because it would sort you out and because it was (apart from the commute) the mythical job you wanted. on a lesser note i think it's madness not to try and get it, and on a third note it's kinda rude not to even try
wraithwitch: other than that, i don't care
astroshadow1701: i will speak to you at some point tomorrow if your around, else have a good day, a good time at the pub, and a good time doing art if you do
wraithwitch: have a good day then

gentlemen aren't nice, head case

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