Strange Meme

Aug 19, 2005 14:02

1. Go here.
2. Pass it on.

1.~How did you meet nemy? At a Cam game where we both played malkavians and competed to break everyone =)
2.~What would you do if you had never met sebastian_oaks? Um. I dunno, but various pub meetings, Cam games and parties would have been more boring.
3.~What do you honestly think of blue_cat? I like her outlook on life and weirdshit - it's refreshigly balanced.
4.~Would or did kesrae and lucifermourning go out? Not to my knowledge, but this world has nothing save possibilities.
5.~Have you ever liked kimkali? Yep, and Bast and Ammet like her too =P
6.~If anysbryd died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need him/her to know? That I'll be hauling his sorry tail back from the Du'at and he'll have some explaining to do.
7.~Would evilref and cryx make a good couple? *smiles* no.
8.~Describe tziganka in 3 words: Mad. Astounding. Wench.
9.~Do you think thankyoukindly is hot? To me? No. To someone else? Yeah.
10.~Would anysbryd and sollunastella make a lovely couple? *grins* They're matched for height, but other than that I'm not so sure...
11.~What do you think of when you see lucifermourning? America. And Sabbat.
12.~Tell me something humiliating about cryx: Why?
13.~Do you know any of ketchgirl's family members? Vaguely.
14.~What's stealthracer's favorite color? On cars? Matt black maybe. On other things? Dunno.
15.~On a scale of 1-10 how cute is nuuki? "Cute"? No, there are other compliments I could apply but I wouldn't say he was cute.
16.~What would you do if spinnyone just professed their undying love for you? Be happy I guess, as well as really *really* confused.
17.~What language does kesrae speak? English from what I've heard.
18.~Who is _grimtales_ going out with? Kostika.
19.~Is urizen a boy or a girl? Boy.
20.~Would lucfia and spinnyone make a good couple? That would be weird. And the world should be scared.
21.~Who do you think inquis would be great with from this list? Whoever she wanted?
22.~When was the last time you talked to thankyoukindly? Ages ago.
23.~What is kimkali's favorite band? No idea, but she likes Tori and the Buffy musical =)
24.~Does evilref have any siblings? Erm.... don't think so?
25.~Would you ever date ketchgirl? *grins* no, neither of us are really that way inclined.
26.~Would you ever date tziganka? See previous answer.
27.~Is inquis single? Maybe? No idea.
28.~What is stealthracer's last name? Bobich - but probably spelt differently.
29.~What is lucfia's middle name? Cass? Elenor? Magpie? i give up.
30~What is blue_cat's fantasy? I have no idea.
31.~Where does urizen live? In a house in Egham. In his own reality.
32.~Would you make out with nemy? Maybe.
33.~Are sebastian_oaks and ketchgirl best friends? No, but they know each other.
34.~Does tziganka like stealthracer? As far as I know - she only met him once.
35.~How did you meet lucfia? Cam game - yey for malkavians!
36.~Is thankyoukindly older than you? Umm... Yes. No. Maybe?
37.~Is sollunastella the sexiest person alive? *smiles* Not to me.

histrionics, meme

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