Aug 18, 2005 18:59
I thought I'd go to the pub because I haven't been for ages. But I have no money, no transport and a general fear that people are quite sick of me asking for favours.
I went to do sewing and have finished that project I think - just as well because it was getting harder to resist the urge to cut my hair with the large fabric scissors. (My hair isn't growing; I have to do something sensible about it before I do something stupid.)
My neurons are blah and mopey.
I learnt yesterday that apparently my younger sister thinks I hate her, my eldest brother thinks I don't like him, and my eldest sister thinks I hate her and my niece. How have I achieved such heights of animosity? What have I done to offend so? Here's the answer: I haven't talked to them. Dear gods.
I am useless - but i've bitched about that before and it's very boring.
Have a nice evening everyone, I'm off to... do something or other probably.