
Jan 05, 2005 03:14

...there were always some neurons at the back who fancied being Hayes Murphy.

Mmmm... fangirly.

You're a bishounen!

You're male, but people often mistake you for the other option. You're unfeasibly thin and pretty and always have perfect hair, often surrounded by sparkles/sakura/roses. You almost certainly have a tragic backstory which involves one or more of your parents, and are liable to have a Tragic Destiny (TM). You were almost certainly invented by a female mangaka, are worshipped by a female audience, and your life is characterised by periods of extreme pain and angst. Sucks to be you.

Which generic anime character are you?

Sucks to be you.? Not all the time, thanks, we're doing quite well at the moment.

I have some new and shiney icons. Two to be exact. I made more, including an Edward Gorey animated one, but they didn't look so good so feh to them. The Clamp style manga one is from a book called XXX Holic and is about a boy who is in service to a mysterious and possibly deranged witch. Heh. Goodness knows why it caught my eye with art and a story like that =P

I will write of things past and present but right now I have to go and paint my room before my toes fall off.

Heh. I've just noticed lj and my mother's computer have had a disagreement. Lj is trying to date this post january 25, 1970. 15:22. Not quite.

Edit: It's seven twenty in the morning. I have yet to sleep. I have painted the plaster patches in my room, have stuck my list of doom to the back of my door and have spent the rest of the time tidying my room. Dear gods it really needs to be hoovered. The dust bunnies have civilisations... Ergh.

Bleh. My neurons have just reminded me of the one spectacularly mook thing today. A couple of weeks before Winterfest I was talking to the bookshop boy and he said his mother was ill. I said I'd do a spell for her. He was really interested and pleased - quite the nicest reaction I've had to that kinda thing in ages. I did a vague and general 'get well soon' spell since he hadn't specified what was wrong. (Although I guessed it could be serious I didn't want to pry.) Told him to wait a month and then if nothing was happening I'd do a very stompy and kickarse spell to sort things.... Was told today that when he went to his mother's on winterfest eve he fund her dead.

Mook. The universe is a real fucker at times.

And that will teach me to do magic by halves... Or maybe not since as my stompy magic is generally worrying and detrimental to my health... Gods dammit I know how to do a life spell as well... Shit. Bloody useless witch. Poor boy.

magic, meme

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